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森流 Green Flow

Platinum needlefish

Regular price HK$58
Regular price Sale price HK$58
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The skinhead crocodile, commonly known as the platinum water needle, also known as the silver water needle, Japanese crocodile fish, etc., is a freshwater fish of the genus Lepidopterus of the family Trichodermaidae. The skin-chinned turtle has a slender body, a pointed snout, and a silvery white body color. The body of the chin is rod-shaped, the lower jaw forms a protruding beak, shaped like a needle, and the premaxilla forms an enlarged flat triangle area at the snout. The dorsal fin is located behind the body, and the pectoral fin is generally large.
Adult size: 5-7cm
Temperature: 22 - 28°C
Food: fish feed, black shell shrimp, brine shrimp, red worms