
Different typesOrnamental fish,for exampleBrontosaurus,Betta,Peacock,Rice Field Fish,Cannibal WarehouseWait, there areRice Shrimpandscrew.

We also offer a wide selection of aquarium supplies and equipment to suit your needs.

You can also orderFull or semi-aquatic fish tankCome to our store to check in person.

Crabs, Hermit Crabs, Spiders & Insects

This is the area that children love to explore the most, allowing them to interact with mysterious and rare insects and small animals. We provide a highly interactiveHermit Crab,Vampire Crab,Pillbug,frogThese small animals are suitable for being placed in water and land tanks, allowing children to observe their behavior and living habits up close.

In addition, we also have more ornamentalspiderandPraying Mantis, allowing children to learn about the ecology of these unique creatures in a safe environment.

Crawling and amphibious

With our elvesGecko,lizard,Horned frog, tree frog,SalamanderandturtleLet's meet. A licensed reptile operator and importer/exporter of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department, legally selling all kinds of reptiles and breeding supplies. We also try our best to take care of our reptiles and hope that they can live healthy lives until they find good owners.

Plant roof

Sunny rooftop maintenanceplantNatural and healthy! Displaying more than 100 species of plants,Semi-aquatic rainforest plants,Succulent,root,FoliageFlowering plants,Bonsai; Highly recommendedCarnivorous plants,Begoniaetc.

Landscape display area

The store displays different sizes ofGreenFlow Landscaping Tank"The natural stream tank will also introduce the principle and design concept behind the algae explosion to you on site. Come and see how many species of plants and animals there are!

removeGreenFlow Landscaping TankIn addition, there are also rainforest tanks, desert tanks, mini landscape eco-bottles and eco-lights on display. There is always one that can bring beauty and vitality to your home or office.

Raising fish is no longer a troublesome

Because too many people have had failed experiences, we incorporated the concept of natural streams into our aquariums - because there are terrestrial plants and flowing water, the natural ecology does not require much care. You just need to concentrate on appreciating and observing, and leave the rest to you.GreenFlowBar.

Landscape material buffet

Provide a variety ofplant,Stone, wood and other materials, allowing you to create a unique landscape according to your personal preferences and needs. You are also welcome to make an appointment for a class and create the warmest home for animals yourself.

Feeding supplies

Whether it is plants or animals, our store also has different breeding supplies for you to choose from.

Whether you are a novice or a professional playerGreenFlowTreat you equally friendly


existGreenFlowWe support both young and old players! You can come to our store at any time to buy the animals, plants or materials you need, and discuss with us how to feed or even do it yourself.Landscaping.

We also hold differentcourse, I hope everyone can appreciate the fun of natural landscaping!

Professional players

It’s fun to go to every store to find the variety you want, but it’s also tiring! existGreenFlowofWebsite PurchaseBar,Arrives at the store in 7-10 days, from now on, raising animals and plants will be easy and comfortable!

School or group visit

Studies have found that humans are born with a love for being close to nature.
GreenFlowwelcomeSchools, companies or groups come to hold visitsOr workshops, let everyone learn how to get along with nature step by step.

Explore the map Welcome a family of Shangli to visit