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紅瓶奇異豬籠草(Nepenthes mirabilis red)
奇異豬籠草(學名:Nepenthes mirabilis)是分布最為廣泛豬籠草屬植物。其種加詞「mirabilis」來源於拉丁文,意為「奇異的,令人驚嘆的」。其是豬籠草屬中分布最為廣泛的物種,其分布範圍覆蓋東南亞、馬來群島的主要島嶼(除開小巽他群島及菲律賓北部地區),並一直北延至中國南部,南延至澳大利亞。
光照 | 明亮散射光 |
澆水方式 | 保持濕潤 |
土壤 | 水苔/泥炭蘚 |
Order placing process and delivery instructions
Free shipping on orders over $600 (non-animal) / $1000 (including animals)! If you have any questions, please refer toOrder and delivery instructions!
Money-back guarantee
Remember to arrange for delivery, and the animals and plants you purchased will arrive in good health! If you encounter any problems, please contact us within 6 hours of receiving the goods and we will refund/exchange them. For more information, please seeRefund Policy.