油畫吊蘭 紫露草 Inch Plant ( Tradescantia ' nanouk ' )


size: 油畫吊蘭小號(4-6棵 / 盆)

油畫吊蘭小號(4-6棵 / 盆)
油畫吊蘭中號(8-10棵 / 盆)

- Tradescantia 'nanouk'  is an herbaceous perennial hailing from the Caribbean, Central America, South America, and Mexico

-Tradescantia zebrina has attractive zebra-patterned leaves,with pink stripes , with the lower leaf surface presenting a deep uniform magenta

-The flowers are in groups, supported by two large foliage-like, narrow, ciliate bracts

-Skin irritation may result from repeated contact with or prolonged handling of the plant 


Light condition:

Full sun to partial shade 

How to water:

Keep moist


Height approximately 4-6'' (10-15cm)


Order process and delivery instructions

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