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斑頭肩鰓䲁 Freshwater Tophat Blenny (Omobranchus fasciolatoceps)
斑頭肩鰓鳚也叫做奧特曼青蛙,是鳚科下屬的魚類,屬於汽水魚類。 體延長,無鱗。 背鰭長,腹鰭喉比特。 魚體黃綠色,體側具數道不明顯的深色橫帶; 特徵是頭部上方具有明顯的頭冠。 類似一個雞冠一樣。 生活於亞熱帶汽水區域,對鹽度的劇烈變化忍受力極强,對污染的水質亦具忍受力,常棲息於河口區的蚝殼、石頭縫或紅樹林根部。 雜食偏性,以藻類及浮游動物為主,人工飼養可餵食顆粒飼料,冷凍紅蟲。 是一種極其可愛的觀賞魚,非常容易飼養。 所出售個體均已經過長時間淡化,可適應淡水飼養。
成體尺寸:6 cm
溫度:20 – 28°C
Order placing process and delivery instructions
Free shipping on orders over $600 (non-animal) / $1000 (including animals)! If you have any questions, please refer toOrder and delivery instructions!
Money-back guarantee
Remember to arrange for delivery, and the animals and plants you purchased will arrive in good health! If you encounter any problems, please contact us within 6 hours of receiving the goods and we will refund/exchange them. For more information, please seeRefund Policy.