土瓶草 Cephalotus follicularis - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店
土瓶草 Cephalotus follicularis - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

土瓶草 Cephalotus follicularis


Size: 2-3cm


Cephalotus follicularis is a small, low growing, herbaceous species. Evergreen leaves appear from underground rhizomes, are simple with an entire leaf blade, and lie close to the ground. The insectivorous leaves are small and have the appearance of moccasins, forming the 'pitcher' of the common name. The pitchers develop a dark red colour in high light levels but stay green in shadier conditions. The foliage is a basal arrangement that is closely arranged with outward facing adapted leaf blades.The 'pitcher' trap of the species is similar to other pitcher plants. The peristome at the entrance of the trap has a spiked arrangement that allows the prey to enter, but hinders its escape. The lid over the entrance, the operculum, prevents rainwater entering the pitcher and thus diluting the digestive enzymes inside. Insects trapped in this digestive fluid are consumed by the plant. The operculum has translucent cells which confuse its insect prey as they appear to be patches of sky.

The inflorescence is groupings of small, hermaphroditic, six-parted, regular flowers, which are creamy, or whitish.

Sunlight Demand:

Fulll Sun toPartial Shade

Flower Color:




Soil Condition:


Water Requirement:


Purchase Size:

Diameter Approximately 0.8 - 1.6''(2-4cm)

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