紫背蘿藦 Propeller vine (Petopentia natalensis)


This plant will be in hibernation mode during summer.  During summer (May to October), you will be receiving a caudex with no leave and you need to wait till winter for new growth of leaves.

Petopentia natalensis is a liana ( perennial-climber) with a tuberous rootstock

- It is an excellent climbing plant in culture as it stands the extremes of heat and cold better than most plants

- The back og the leaves is purple where the top is green

- Don't water your plant frequently in hibernation mode to prevent root rot

- Don't put your plant under direct sunlight

Please click this link for information on how to acclimate the plant upon receipt.


Light condition:

Full sun to partial shade

How to water:

Allow getting dry between watering


Diameter approximately  0.4-0.8''(1-2cm)


買滿$600(非動物)/ $1000(包含動物)免運費!還有疑問,請參閱下單與送貨的說明

