

細葉鐵皇冠 ( Microsorum pteropus ' Narrow ' )

細葉鐵皇冠 陰性水草( Microsorum pteropus ' Narrow ' )

細葉鐵皇冠是一種由鐵皇冠草人工改良而來的蕨類植物。在人工養殖環境中一般作為造景水草在水下養殖,也可在高濕度環境中陸生栽培。 光照需求:低 生長速度:一般 培育難度:低 造景區域:中後景 CO2需求:低 適宜溫度:22-28°C 
牛毛氈坨草 Dwarf hairgrass ( Eleocharis ’parvula' )

牛毛氈坨草 Dwarf hairgrass ( Eleocharis ’parvula' )

牛毛氈名如其草,其本身細如牛毛的外表更映襯了牛毛氈草的細小。牛毛氈自身有個造景特點就是,在光照強烈的時候會長的比較矮,光照弱的時候比較高,造景玩家可以根據這個原理對牛毛氈造景進行更好的掌控。 光照需求:中 生長速度:快 培育難度:低 造景區域:前景 CO2需求:低 適宜溫度:22-26°C 
綠菊(陀草) Cabomba caroliniana ( Wabi-Kusa )

綠菊(陀草) Cabomba caroliniana ( Wabi-Kusa )

Cabomba caroliniana(Wabi-Kusa)is an aquatic perennial herbaceous plant .It is orignated from native to North and South America. It is a weed of national significance in Australia . Type: Stem Growth...
鹿角铁皇冠(8 - 15cm) Java Fern Windelov ( Microsuinm pteropus 'Windelov' )

鹿角铁皇冠(8 - 15cm) Java Fern Windelov ( Microsuinm pteropus 'Windelov' )

Microsorum Pteropus 'Windelov' ,AKA Java Fern 'Windelov' is a popular variant of the Java Fern created by Tropica. This aquatic fern can grow in low light conditions and is forgiving in a wide range of...
绿羽毛(陀草) Myriophyllum hippuroides

绿羽毛(陀草) Myriophyllum hippuroides

Myriophyllum hippuroides(Wabi-Kusa)is a species of watermilfoil known by the common name western watermilfoil. It is native to the west coast of North America, where it grows in aquatic habitat such...
紅菊(陀草) Cabomba piauhyensis ( Wabi-Kusa )

紅菊(陀草) Cabomba piauhyensis ( Wabi-Kusa )

Cabomba Piauhyensis(Wabi-Kusa) is native to South America .This beautifully coloured Cabomba Piauhyensis(Wabi-Kusa) looks best in larger aquariums, as a group in the background to midground. It contrasts well with light...
红波坨草(直径4-6cm) Alternanthera  bettzckinana

红波坨草(直径4-6cm) Alternanthera bettzckinana

Alternanthera Bettzickiana is a popular choice for beginners due to the fact that it's pretty easy to grow. Most red stem plants can prove difficult to get that vibrant red...
南美叉柱花 Staurogyne repens - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

南美叉柱花 Staurogyne repens

South American Fork Flower is a bright green foreground grass with a very compact blade structure. It is a dicotyledonous plant, which is a kind of water-based aquatic grass. It...
大红叶坨草 Ludwigia perennis - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

大红叶坨草 Ludwigia perennis

This kind of plant can be directly cultured in the water tank with the nature of aquatic sludge. It has a strong vitality and can also be cultured without breeding...
红唇丁香 Ludwigia Guinea (Ludwigia senegalensis)

红唇丁香 Ludwigia Guinea (Ludwigia senegalensis)

Ludwigia Senegalensis is a beautiful stem plant which can develop a red vein-like pattern on the leaves. The red coloration becomes more pronounced under high light with the addition of...