多利球蘭 Hoya dolichosparte - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店
多利球蘭 Hoya dolichosparte - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店
多利球蘭 Hoya dolichosparte - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

多利球蘭 Hoya dolichosparte


-Hoya dolichosparte is original from South East Asia

-The flowers are pale green-yellow and star-shaped

-The flowers's surface has a smooth appearance without any tiny hairs

-Don't put your plant under direct sunlight

-Don't water your plant frequently in hibernation made to prevent root rot

-Please click this link for information on how to acclimate the plant upon receipt.     


Light condition:  Full sun to partial shade  
How to water: Allow getting dry between watering  
Size:  4 - 6''(10-15cm)  

買滿$600(非動物)/ $1000(包含動物)免運費!還有疑問,請參閱下單與送貨的說明

