白雪光(Parodia haselbergii)

白雪光(Parodia haselbergii)


size: 一顆(約3-4cm)


白雪光仙人球屬於仙人掌科、南國玉屬多年生肉質植物,又被稱之為雪光、雪晃。 它屬於小型品種、球體渾圓或扁圓形,球體密集的刺座上密生著許多白色的軟毛刺,陽光下反射出金屬般的光澤。 它不同於一般仙人球自帶防禦的個性,白雪光尖刺軟小不會扎入皮膚,反而有些軟萌可愛,因此也被稱為仙人球裏的「白雪公主」。

光照  充足日照
澆水 乾透澆水
土壤 沙壤土
Order placing process and delivery instructions

Free shipping on orders over $600 (non-animal) / $1000 (including animals)! If you have any questions, please refer toOrder and delivery instructions!

Money-back guarantee

Remember to arrange for delivery, and the animals and plants you purchased will arrive in good health! If you encounter any problems, please contact us within 6 hours of receiving the goods and we will refund/exchange them. For more information, please seeRefund Policy.