sold outpre order

卷葉榕 捲葉榕 Ficus benjamina 'Barok'
護理要求 :
光照: |
充足柔和的光照 |
澆水方式: |
幹透澆水 |
種植介質: |
泥炭土 / 腐葉土 |
Order placing process and delivery instructions
Free shipping on orders over $600 (non-animal) / $1000 (including animals)! If you have any questions, please refer toOrder and delivery instructions!
Money-back guarantee
Remember to arrange for delivery, and the animals and plants you purchased will arrive in good health! If you encounter any problems, please contact us within 6 hours of receiving the goods and we will refund/exchange them. For more information, please seeRefund Policy.