
雨林植物適合雨林缸造景,包括苔蘚、秋海棠、蕨類和各種食蟲植物等,熱門植物包括葡燈蘚、薜荔 、毛氈苔、樓梯草、蜜囊花、卷柏、積水鳳梨等。
虎耳草 Strawberry Begonia ( Saxifraga stolonifera )

虎耳草 Strawberry Begonia ( Saxifraga stolonifera )

Saxifraga stolonifera is a perennial flowering plant, The plant is native to China, Japan and Korea. But it is widespread in much of the temperate regions of Eurasia and in...
反光靛藍卷柏 Green Peacock Spikemoss (Selaginella uncinata) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

反光靛藍卷柏 Green Peacock Spikemoss (Selaginella uncinata)

Peacock or "Rainbow" Spikemoss. Selaginella or "spikemoss" does extremely well in woodland and tropical terrariums due to their cultural needs. This plant gets its name from the fact that its...
秋海棠  Begonia sp. julau

秋海棠 Begonia sp. julau

A rare colorful begonia with bold markings: distinctive leaves with beautiful pink spots. This terrarium plant from Borneo prefers very humid conditions, part shade, and temps above 70F. It also...
石灰岩捕蟲堇 Pinguicula gypsicola

石灰岩捕蟲堇 Pinguicula gypsicola

Pinguicula gypsicola is a tropical species. During winter it requires much less water and care should be taken not to over water them. Sunlight Demand: Partial Shade Flower Color: Purple...
五彩鳳梨屬 Bromeliad ( Neoregelia ' Fireball ' ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

五彩鳳梨屬 Bromeliad ( Neoregelia ' Fireball ' )

Neoregelia 'Fireball' is a bromeliad suitable for small to medium vivarium. Sunlight Demand: Bright Indirect Light Flower Color: N/A Foliage: Red Soil Condition: Peat Moss Water Requirement: High Purchase Size:...
洛弗麗毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera lovellae

洛弗麗毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera lovellae

This sundew has a large range and occurs naturally throughout Southeast Asia, in southern China and Japan, Micronesia, New Guinea through to the eastern territories of Australia and Tasmania and New Zealand. Variants are often known by the localities in which they are...
叉葉毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera binata - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

叉葉毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera binata

Drosera binata, is a large, perennial sundew native to Australia and New Zealand. The specific epithet is Latin for "having pairs" - a reference to the leaves, which are dichotomously divided or forked. Like all sundews, it is a Carnivorous plant. It is...
鐵角鳳尾草 Mini Maidenhair spleenwort

鐵角鳳尾草 Mini Maidenhair spleenwort

Sunlight Demand: Part Sun To Light Shade Flower Color: N/A Foliage: Green Soil Condition: Peat Moss Water Requirement: High Purchase Size: 1 - 2'' (3 - 5 cm)
馬西安諾捕蟲堇 Butterworts (Pinguicula Marciano)

馬西安諾捕蟲堇 Butterworts (Pinguicula Marciano)

Pinguicula Marciano is native to Mexico.The plants form small rosettes of leaves. It ha unique broad and succulent-like pointed leaves .Under  bright ligth , its leaves turns dark pink. During the winter...
蛇苔 Snake Scales Liverwort ( Conocephalum conicum )

蛇苔 Snake Scales Liverwort ( Conocephalum conicum )

蛇苔,葉狀呈寬帶狀,革質,深綠,略具光澤,長5-10釐米,寬約1-2釐米,花紋很像一種蛇的皮。雌雄異株。雄托橢圓狀,紫色;雌托圓錐狀,褐黃色,托下麵著生總苞,苞內具一個苞葫。 蛇苔分佈在歐洲、北美、亞洲中部及東部其他地區也有。多生於溪邊林下濕碎石和土上。 溫馨提示:濕度需求中等建議種在水陸缸、雨林缸等濕度較高的環境中。 濕度需求:中(相對濕度50%〜70%)保持濕潤 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 介質:水苔 、泥炭土
石豆蘭 ( Bulbophyllum Thouars )

石豆蘭 ( Bulbophyllum Thouars )

石豆蘭是對於蘭科石豆蘭屬的植物的統稱,是一類多年生的草本植物,一般貼著濕潤的樹皮或者岩壁匍匐生長,所以很適宜用來製作微景觀、雨林缸、水陸缸或者是種在陽臺做小盆栽,現在作為觀賞植物被廣泛種植。 如需購買智利水苔,蛇木板等板植材料,可點擊一下鏈結: https://www.greenflow.hk/collections/substrate-fertilizer 尺寸:2-4cm 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:水苔 / 蛇木板 / 樹皮
反光藍蕨 Blue Oil Fern ( Microsorum thailandicum ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

反光藍蕨 Blue Oil Fern ( Microsorum thailandicum )

A stunning species of fern with iridescent blue, narrow strap shaped fronds reaching 10"-12" long. enjoys warm, humid conditions under low light levels. best grown epiphytically. Mossed divisions ready for...
蜜囊花 Marcgravia sintenisii

蜜囊花 Marcgravia sintenisii

  Marcgravia sintenisii (The Rainbow Marcgravia) is the colorful and beautiful species in the Terrarium.   Newly growing leaves are usually red and turn to green as they mature.  ...
鳳尾草 / 井欄鳳尾蕨 ( Pteris multifida )

鳳尾草 / 井欄鳳尾蕨 ( Pteris multifida )

鳳尾草葉型優雅,株形美觀,非常適於盆栽觀葉,也可種植在雨林缸/水陸缸中。  光照: 散射光 花色: N/A 葉片顏色: 綠色 種植介質: 沙質 / 透氣 需水量: 高 產品尺寸: 高 3.1-4.7'' (8-12 cm)
蜜囊花 Shingle Vine (Marcgravia umbellata)

蜜囊花 Shingle Vine (Marcgravia umbellata)

Marcgravia sp is one of the easier growing species, but also offers amazing coloration.   The new growth can appear red to almost pink under higher light.   As the...
煙火秋海棠 Begonia ' Fireworks '

煙火秋海棠 Begonia ' Fireworks '

Begonia 'Fireworks' is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial of upright habit, mostly grown for its vibrant foliage of large, bold leaves adorned with dark purple centers, purple-pink margins and iridescent silver-white...
紅孔雀毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera paradoxa

紅孔雀毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera paradoxa

Drosera paradoxa is a perennial herb native to the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The lignified stems can grow up to 30cm high, the leaves are erect, and gradually become...
日本紫花姬鳶尾 ( Iris japonica Var. )


鳶尾花為藍紫色,花形似翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。五月,鳶尾花開的季節,你就可以看見一 只只藍色蝴蝶飛舞於綠葉之間,仿佛要將春的消息傳到遠方去。法國人視鳶尾花為國花。因為相傳法蘭西王國第一個王朝的國王克洛維在受洗禮時,上帝送給他一件禮物,就是鳶尾。在法國,鳶尾是光明和自由的象徵。 尺寸:5-8cm 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:泥炭土
鐵角蕨 Asplenium trichomanes

鐵角蕨 Asplenium trichomanes

Description:    Asplenium trichomanes (commonly known as maidenhair spleenwort) is a small fern in the spleenwort genus Asplenium. It is a widespread and common species, occurring almost worldwide in a...
石韋屬 Pyrrosia sp.

石韋屬 Pyrrosia sp.

A type of epiphyte from southern part of China.     Sunlight Demand: Low light Flower Color: N/A Foliage: Green Soil Condition: Peat Moss Water Requirement: High Purchase Size: 4...
血莧 Iresine herbstii

血莧 Iresine herbstii

Fittonia albivenis is a species of flowering plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to the rainforests of Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and northern Brazil. A herbaceous plant, it is notable...
螢光蜂鬥草 Sonerila sp. fluo

螢光蜂鬥草 Sonerila sp. fluo

Sonerila is a species of plant in the Melastomataceae family. The plant is native to China. In their homeland, they thrive in forests, in bushes, in meadows, even on rocks, at altitudes of 400...
澤瀉蕨 Parahemionitis cordata

澤瀉蕨 Parahemionitis cordata

Parahemionitis cordata, one of the genus Parahemionitis of the family Pteridaceae, is perfectly loved by its arrowhead shape, dark green leaves, earning it the name of “Heart Leaf Fern. The...
阿芙蘿狄蒂捕蟲堇 Pinguicula ' Aphrodite '

阿芙蘿狄蒂捕蟲堇 Pinguicula ' Aphrodite '

Pinguicula ' Aphrodite ' 是一種小型食蟲植物,性情柔和美麗。 它的葉子像永遠盛開的花朵一樣美麗。 葉子上覆蓋著可以分泌粘液的腺體。 當小昆蟲靠近時,它們可以像粘紙一樣抓住昆蟲。 堅持和消化吸收。 Pinguicula Aphrodite原產於墨西哥,最大直徑可達25cm。 Sunlight Demand: Partial Shade Flower Color: N/A Foliage: Green Soil Condition: Spagmoss Water Requirement: Medium Purchase Size: Diameter 1...
秋海棠 Begonia ‘ Dutch Splendor ’

秋海棠 Begonia ‘ Dutch Splendor ’

The leaves of Begonia ‘Dutch Splendor’ range from pink to purplish red, with wide green edges with some silver spots on the silver edges, and the middle of the leaves...
土瓶草 Cephalotus follicularis - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

土瓶草 Cephalotus follicularis

Cephalotus follicularis is a small, low growing, herbaceous species. Evergreen leaves appear from underground rhizomes, are simple with an entire leaf blade, and lie close to the ground. The insectivorous...
眼鏡蛇瓶子草 Cobra Lily (Darlingtonia californica)

眼鏡蛇瓶子草 Cobra Lily (Darlingtonia californica)

Darlingtonia californica /dɑːrlɪŋˈtoʊniə kælɪˈfɔːrnɪkə/, also called the California pitcher plant, cobra lily, or cobra plant, is a species of carnivorous plant. As a pitcher plant it is the sole member...
緹娜捕蟲堇 Butterwort  (Pinguicula Tina )

緹娜捕蟲堇 Butterwort (Pinguicula Tina )

Pinguicula Tina is hybird between Pinguicula agnata and Pinguicula zecheri..Like other butterworts, it has sticky adhesive leaves. forms “drool edges” which attract, capture and digest arthropod prey in order to supply the plant...
大灰蘚 Hypnum Moss (Hypnum plumaeforme) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

大灰蘚 Hypnum Moss (Hypnum plumaeforme)

This beautiful moss is also known as cypress-leaved plant moss. It's common around the world, especially in forests and shaded woodlands. It's one of the other twelve thousand species of...
丹波花柱草 Frail triggerplant (Stylidium debile) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

丹波花柱草 Frail triggerplant (Stylidium debile)

Stylidium debile, commonly known as the frail triggerplant, is a carnivorous, dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the genus Stylidium (family Stylidiaceae). S. debile is endemic to coastal areas in Queensland...
龍根菖蒲( Acorus calamus )

龍根菖蒲( Acorus calamus )

龍根菖蒲常被放置在辦公臺、書臺、茶几,清秀的小草再搭配上奇石、青苔、木座等,不僅形成了清新雅致的意境,而且有清新宜人、安神醒腦的作用。 龍根菖蒲多生在山澗水石空隙中或山溝流水礫石間 (有時為挺水生長)。 龍根菖蒲分佈於亞洲,包括印度東北部、泰國北部、中國等。 Tips:本產品不包含花盆(裸根發貨)。 如需要購買花盆可以點擊以下鏈結 https://www.greenflow.hk/collections/pot-and-soil 護理要求 : 光線:散射光 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:顆粒土 / 水  
圓葉匙唇蘭 ( Schoenorchis tixieri  ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

圓葉匙唇蘭 ( Schoenorchis tixieri  )

匙唇蘭,是一種十分受歡迎的小花,花朵呈淡紫色。在陰涼環境更適合匙唇蘭的生長,儘管匙唇蘭是很好養殖的花卉,但是也需要用心才能養殖好。 如需購買智利水苔,蛇木板等板植材料,可點擊一下鏈結: https://www.greenflow.hk/collections/substrate-fertilizer 尺寸:2-3cm 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:水苔 / 蛇木板 / 樹皮
虎克豬籠草 / 紅唇斑點豬籠草 ( Nepenthes hookeriana )

虎克豬籠草 / 紅唇斑點豬籠草 ( Nepenthes hookeriana )

虎克豬籠草是一種由萊佛士豬籠草與蘋果豬籠草雜交得到的常見自然雜交種。其廣泛存在於西馬來西亞、婆羅洲、新加坡和印尼蘇門答臘島低海拔地區。亦分佈於大納士納島附近地區。其出現於萊佛士豬籠草和蘋果豬籠草共同生長的地區,生活習性也與其親本類似。 護理要求 : 光照: 半阴  澆水方式: 保持湿润 種植介質: 水苔 / 泥炭土
好望角毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera capensis ( Cape sundew ) - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

好望角毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera capensis ( Cape sundew )

Drosera capensis是南非開普角原產的多年生茅膏菜的一種小型形成蓮座叢的食肉物種。 由於它的大小、易於種植的性質以及它產生的大量種子,它已成為栽培中最常見的毛氈苔之一。 Sunlight Demand: Partial Shade Flower Color: Green Foliage: Green Soil Condition: Spagmoss Water Requirement: High (Pure Water) Purchase Size: Diameter 0.5 - 1.5'' (2 - 4 cm)
虎斑秋海棠 Begonia "Tiger Kitten"

虎斑秋海棠 Begonia "Tiger Kitten"

Beautifully marked leaves of chocolate green with highlights of lime, neat mounding habit, easy to grow. Grows as a clump with fuzzy stems and maple like leaves with bold brown...
仙女座毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera cv. ' Andromeda ' - 森流 GreenFlow - 動植物造景專門店

仙女座毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera cv. ' Andromeda '

A unique hybrid between D. schizandra and D. prolifera.The planting environment is exactly the same as the Prolifera above, but it seems to grow without problems. However, looking at the...
阿帝露毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera adelae

阿帝露毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera adelae

Drosera adelae typically grows in the densely shaded margins of the northeastern Australian rainforests in sandy soils along creek banks or on wet rocks near waterfalls. Drosera adelae is a...
格拉莫哥毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera graomogolensis

格拉莫哥毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera graomogolensis

Drosera graomogolensis is a carnivorous plant species native to the State Minas Gerais in Brazil and is now cultivated as an ornamental in Europe. In Brazil, it grows in the campos rupestres habitat. Drosera graomogolensis is an herb up to...
絲葉毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera filiformis var.tracyi

絲葉毛氈苔茅膏菜 Drosera filiformis var.tracyi

Drosera filiformis, commonly known as the thread-leaved sundew, is a small, insectivorous, rosette-forming species of perennial herb. A species of sundew, it is unusual within its genus in that the long, erect, filiform (thread-like) leaves of this plant...
日本安蕨/日本蹄盖蕨 Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum)

日本安蕨/日本蹄盖蕨 Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum)

The color will change when growing in adult plant. Prefer indirect sunlight. DO NOT put it under direct sunlight.In summer, there are no leaves in the high temperature, and the...
江南卷柏 Spikemoss (Selaginella moellendorffii)

江南卷柏 Spikemoss (Selaginella moellendorffii)

Sunlight Demand: Partial Sun, Shade Flower Color: N/A Foliage: Brown & Green Soil Condition: Peat Moss Water Requirement: High Purchase Size: Height 3.1-4.7'' (8-12 cm)
蕗蕨 Mecodium Badium

蕗蕨 Mecodium Badium

It is quite robust and spreads slowly to form a very attractive clump. Mecodium Badium have very good winter hardiness. Suitable for paludarium and terrarium. Sunlight Demand: Low – Medium...
松葉蕨( Psilotum nudum )

松葉蕨( Psilotum nudum )

松葉蕨屬於小型蕨類,與一般植物不同,松葉蕨只有假根。 松葉蕨附生於樹幹或長在石縫中。喜歡溫暖、潮濕及半陰的環境。要求高空氣濕度和土壤濕度,適栽於肥沃、濕潤、疏鬆、排水良好的土壤中。 Tips:本產品包含1個塑膠盆。 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:泥炭土 /砂質土
綠泡秋海棠 Begonia chlorosticta - Red Form

綠泡秋海棠 Begonia chlorosticta - Red Form

-A rare colorful begonia with bold markings: dark green leaves with pale green spots and a brocade margin also of pale green. -This terrarium plant from borneo prefers very humid...
非洲猴腦鹿角蕨(Platycerium madagascariense)

非洲猴腦鹿角蕨(Platycerium madagascariense)

非洲猴腦鹿角蕨簡稱非猴,原生在馬達加斯加島生長在島的中部約莫海拔500-1000米海拔的潮濕森林。營養葉向下或水準向後,葉脈凸起,脈間下凹,因其凹凸不平的葉間脈紋像極了小山穀的山脊以及大腦的紋路而命名。 非洲猴腦鹿角蕨喜愛涼爽(不超過30℃)、濕潤的環境。種植時需要注意控制溫度。 Tips:本產品包含1個白色塑膠盆。 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:泥炭土
金線蘭 (Anoectochilus roxburghii )

金線蘭(Anoectochilus roxburghii )

金線蘭植株高8-18釐米。上面暗紫色或黑紫色,具金紅色帶有絹絲光澤的美麗網脈,背面淡紫紅色,多被作為雨林造景和水陸缸造景使用。 尺寸:3-5cm 光線:散射光,忌暴曬 澆水:保持濕潤 介質:泥炭土
腎萼金腰  ( Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch )

腎萼金腰 ( Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch )

腎萼金腰的葉獨特,帶有特別的斑紋。作為雨林缸/水陸缸的底層植物是一個非常不錯的選擇。 護理要求 : 光照: 半阴  種植介質:  泥炭土 澆水方式: 保持湿润 植物尺寸:  2-3棵(3-5cm)
黑泡秋海棠/黑峰秋海棠 Begonia melanobullata(Vietnam ferox)

黑泡秋海棠/黑峰秋海棠 Begonia melanobullata(Vietnam ferox)

Begonia ferox is a rather new-to-the-scene, awe-inspiring species hailing from limestone areas in southwest China. The foliage of b. ferox is a jaw-dropping mix of raised black (melano) cones (bullae)...